10th Class Computer Long Questions – Get Full Book Long Questions

10th Class Computer Long Questions

Hi, Here you can get the most important 10th Class Computer Long Questions. These Long Questions are very useful for you. With the help of these questions, you can get maximum marks in your 10th Class Exam.

Chapter 1

  1. Explain the flow chart and its different symbols?
  2. What do you know about problem-solving?
  3. What is the algorithm? Write a step form algorithm for making a telephone call to your friend?
  4. Why we use a flow chart? Write its advantages?

Chapter 2

  1. Explain Constant and its Types in detail?
  2. How is a statement written in BASIC Language?
  3. Explain the Print statement?
  4. Explain Operators in detail?

Chapter 3

  1. Explain GOTO Statement with examples in detail?
  2. Explain ON ERROR GOTO Statement with examples in detail?
  3. What do you know about Nested Loop with an example?

Chapter 4

  1. Explain the DIM Statement?
  2. Explain Array and its types?
  3. How would you fill and print an array?

Chapter 5

  1. What do you know about structured programming and unstructured programming?
  2. Write the advantages of writing Subroutines?
  3. Explain the user-defined function and its properties?

Chapter 6

  1. What do you know about Palette? Explain in detail?
  2. What is DRAW Statement? Explain in detail?
  3. Write the information about the LINE Statement and PSET Statement?

Chapter 7

  1. What do you know about the Formatting toolbar? Explain in detail?
  2. Write the information about Title Bar, Status Bar, Menu Bar, and Tool Bar?
  3. Write the information about Microsoft Word? Explain in detail?


I hope you understand this all information about 10th Class Computer Long Questions. if you have any questions in your mind, You can ask me at any time. I will reply to you as soon as possible.

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