9th Class Computer Long Questions – Get Full Book Long Questions

9th Class Computer Long Questions

Hi, Everyone Here you can get the most important 9th Class Computer Long Questions. These questions are very important for your Exam. if you want to get the maximum number in your Computer Paper then Kindly read these questions carefully.

9th Class Computer Chapter 1

  1. Explain Generations of Computer?
  2. Describe types of Computer in detail?
  3. Define Classification of Computer?
  4. What is the impact of computers on society? Write in detail?
  5. Explain Programming languages in detail?

9th Class Computer Chapter 2

  1. Define Electronic Data Processing in detail?
  2. Explain basic organization of computer in detail?
  3. Define Computer Hardware and its units?
  4. Write the difference between System Software and Application Hardware?
  5. Define Computer Software in detail?
  6. Explain the Control Unit?
  7. Explain System Bus?
  8. What is Ports and Explain Parallel Ports and Serial Ports?

9th Class Computer Chapter 3

  1. Explain Mouse in Detail?
  2. Write the definition of the printer and Write a short note on Laser Printer and Line Printer?
  3. Define the Monitor and its types in detail?
  4. Write Detail about Plotters and its types?
  5. Explain the input and output units?
  6. Write the difference between Mouse and trackball?

Chapter 4

  1. What is Secondary Memory and Explain Hard disk in detail?
  2. Explain ROM and its types in detail?

Chapter 5

  1. Explain the number system and its types?
  2. Describe Data and its types in detail?

Chapter 6

  1. Explain K Map in detail?

Chapter 7

  1. Explain the Functions of the operating system?
  2. Describe DOS Commands?
  3. Explain System Software and Application Software?
  4. Define types of DOS file?

Chapter 8

  1. Explain the features of windows in detail?
  2. Describe Control Panel in detail?



Best of Luck for Your Exam. I hope you understand the all-important questions. If you have any questions in your mind, you can ask me at any time.

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